Mother Well-being Circle


Erwachsene Baby und Geburt

A Mothers Circle is a place to find your people, to build your village.

We meet together to talk, to laugh, to support, to vent - to eat cake! To share our stories and support each other.
Because motherhood can be hard and sometimes we feel like we're doing it all alone. But it doesn't have to feel like this. We were never meant to mother in isolation. 
A Circle is a relaxing, compassionate, and nurturing space to retreat for a few hours, from the pressures and demands of everyday life. 
We connect with ourselves and each other, practice calm and replenish our strength. 
We are all mothers just like you. We experience the same highs, lows, wins and challenges as a mothers, partners and women. 
Because we all need a safe and non-judgmental place to share what we’re going through with people who understand us.
Join a Mothers Circle today and meet other fabulous women, mothers like you.

Course Details
Evening Retreat Mothers Circles are open to ALL mothers, whatever age your children. 
For more details contact Kathi at 


CHF 30.– for the evening


Kathi Spencer Iseli

Birth & Postpartum Doula and Mother Circle Guide

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