Das Familienzentrum Karussell bleibt am Pfingstmontag, 20. Mai 2024, geschlossen.

Mother & Baby Well-being Circle


Baby und Geburt

CANCELLED. Having a new baby is a wonderful and joyful time, it is also exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. When did someone last ask you how you are? For Mamas and Babies from 0 to 6 months, in english. CANCELLED.

A Mother & Baby Well-being Circle is a relaxing, compassionate, and nurturing space where you bring your baby and focus on how you are doing. We practice gentle breathing, stretching or mindfulness exercises for Mamas, as well as some gentle massage for baby. We all have the opportunity to share what is on our minds or in our hearts. There is no obligation to talk, no pressure to do anything except be yourself. 

Together we make time to rest, reset and replenish our strength. You can talk openly with other mothers who understand the challenges you are facing. Because we all need a place to unpack what we’re going throgh without feeling judged. We talk, we laugh, sometimes we cry. We share stories, ideas and support. You will leave the Circle feeling rested, understood and supported. 

It is hard to build the village you so badly need as a mother at a time when you are already stretched to your limits by the tasks of motherhood itself. Being part of a Mothers Circle will help you build the friendship and community you need.

Course Details
Mother and Baby Well-being Circles run in blocks of eight weeks with a fixed group of participants in order to build trust and community. The group is for mothers with their babies up to an age where your baby is actively crawling.

This group is held in English. There is also a group in German.



Friday morning from 9.00 am to 10.00 am


200 CHF for 8 weeks from Friday 26th April (no class on Friday 10th May, Auffahrt, and 31th May, Fronleichnam)


Kathi Spencer Iseli

Birth & Postpartum Doula and Mother Circle Guide

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